DA – FFEDIS Registration

Republic Act 11321 also known as the Sagip Saka Act is an act instituting the Farmers and Fisherfolk Enterprise Development Program of the Department of Agriculture (DA). It mandates the DA through the Agribusiness and Marketing Assistance Service (AMAS) to maintain the Farmers and Fisherfolk Enterprise Development Information System (FFEDIS). 

The FFEDIS is a web-based information system designed to assist the government in formulating plans and programs on enterprise development, and to enable the producer groups, the private sector, and the LGUs and potential donors to respond to the needs of the local and world markets and in generating resources for further enterprise development. The information system shall contain a list of possible and implemented programs and projects, a registry of agricultural and fisheries enterprises, and a roster of private companies engaged in these enterprises or have expressed interest in participating in the Program, and other information that may be identified by the Department.

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