Agarwood helps to increases appetite by acting on gastric juices and liver functions. It helps in abdominal distension and helps releasing wind from the intestines. Thus, it also decreases abdominal pain and cramps that occur due to excess gas in the alimentary canal. Traditional Hindu Families also use it for increasing learning abilities and improving memory.
It is profitable in curbing and relieving stiffness in the Chest.
It is advantageous in combating Skin conditions like Skin infection and helps in providing healthy and flawless Skin.
It also helps in countering Smallpox, which is transmittable and forms Blisters, filled with fluid.
It is valuable in maintaining Blood Sugar Levels in our body.
It is favorable in curing Respiratory troubles like Asthma, difficulty in normal Respiration and Bronchitis.
It is fruitful in taking care of Lung disorder termed as Pleurisy, resulting in Swelling and Pain, in the Lungs.
Agarwood is a good herbal treatment for counteracting Digestive disorders, resulting in Acid Reflux.
It not only stimulates detoxification but also helps in keeping away ailments associated to the Digestive Tract.
It is worthwhile in treating Anorexia, which is a condition related to disorder in eating habits and phobia of staying slim.
It is suitable for curing Liver related troubles like Cirrhosis, whose outcome is Scared Liver tissues, with inability of functioning appropriately.
It has Pain killing properties, which takes care of inflammation pertaining to Abdomen, Joints or any other parts.
It is beneficial in curbing Rheumatism, which involves extreme Pain and Swelling in the Joints and tissues connecting them.
It is Diuretic in nature, which in turn helps in stimulating the proper flow of Urine and keeping away Urinary afflictions.
In China it is applied as a sedative against abdominal complaints, asthma, colic and diarrhea, and as an aphrodisiac and carminative. The grated wood enters into various preparations used especially during and after childbirth, and to treat rheumatism, smallpox and abdominal pains. Decoctions of the wood are said to have anti-microbial properties, e.g. Against Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Shigella flexneri.
This information is only for the use of education and is not meant for replacing any prescribed medicines or professional medical advice or for diagnosing any kind of health conditions. We are not healthcare professionals and we take up a collective interest to share and spread the awareness of Ayurveda, the holistic and oldest of all remedial practices in the world for which it is rightly called as the Mother of all healing sciences on earth.
Never ingest essential oils and do remember to dilute them in appropriate carrier oils like Jojoba oil. This is due to the fact that organic and unadulterated essential oils are highly concentrated liquids and direct application of essential oils on the skin may lead to allergic reactions. Due care should be taken if you are a nursing mother or carrying. Keep out of reach of children.
Speak with your healthcare practitioner or Ayurvedic expert before taking your call on the suitable essential oils for your state of health and unique individual constitution.