Premium Bari Brandy 700ml


Bari Brandy is a uniquely distilled from coconut flower nectar, crafted with a combination of precious medicinal ingredients, particularly natural Agarwood (Aquilaria malaccensis). The essence of Agarwood is extracted using modern technology, preserving its medicinal properties and natural aroma. Bari Premium Brandy has warming properties, anti-inflammatory effects, reduces swelling, improves joint health, and the Agarwood aroma has calming qualities, reducing stress, and enhancing focus for the consumer. The delightful taste and sweet aftertaste of Agarwood contribute to a refreshing spirit, mental rejuvenation, alertness, and relaxation.

With its luxurious and exquisite design, it deserves to be the top choice for diplomatic ceremonies, gifts for partners, and loved ones. Simultaneously, it is an indispensable spiritual product for offering on ancestral altars during annual festive occasions.