Market Access

Oud Trade | CITES Database

Market access refers to the ability to sell goods and services across borders. Market access can be used to refer to domestic trade as well as international trade, although the latter is the most common context. 

The ability to sell in a market is often accompanied by tariffs, duties, or even quotas, whereas free trade implies that goods and services flow across borders without any extra costs imposed by governments. Even so, market access is seen as an early step toward deepening trade ties. 

International trade involves complex negotiations between two or more governments. Throughout these negotiations, participants typically push for market access that favors their particular export industries while also attempting to limit market access to import products that could potentially compete with sensitive or politically strategic domestic industries. Market access is often facilitated through trade agreements and trade promotion efforts, but it can also be influenced by political and geopolitical factors that shape diplomatic relations between countries.

Market access is considered distinct from free trade because the process of negotiation is aimed at beneficial trade that may not necessarily be freer trade. Market access encompasses the conditions, regulations, and barriers that determine the ease or difficulty of participating in global commerce.

In a nutshell, Market access in international trade refers to the ability of businesses and countries to enter foreign markets by overcoming trade barriers, including tariffs and non-tariff barriers. It is crucial for expanding commercial activities, diversifying revenue sources, and stimulating economic growth.

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