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Interesting Facts about Agarwood

1. Religious texts were written on bark from agar trees and Srimanta Sankardev referred to agarwood as one of the divine trees with the ability to fulfill human desire.
2. Burning Agarwood was called the ‘scent of Nirvana’ by The Lord Buddha.
3. It is extensively mentioned in the Sanskrit Vedas as a favorite of Lord Krishna.
4. Agarwood has played an important role in many religious traditions all over the world. It has been revered for millennia for its fragrance in religious ceremony and its incense burned at the burial of Jesus Christ.
5. King Louis XIV had his clothing washed in water scented with agarwood.
6. Agarwood smoke was used to scent the armor of Samurai warriors before heading into battle.
7. In Genesis, agarwood is mentioned as the only tree from which Adam and Eve could take cuttings.
8. Although it is not that well known in the West, agarwood has a rich history of medicinal use in many cultures. It has been used for centuries by physicians in Tibet, India, China and the Arab world to treat a range of physical and mental conditions.
9. The Prophet Mohammed used Agarwood to perform fumigation rituals, a practice which is continued today by Orthodox.

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